Семя Чингиз-Хана

Clittary Hilton
"A remarkable living legacy of the Mongol empire has been discovered by geneticists in a survey of human populations from the Caucasus to China. They find that as many as 8% of the men dwelling in the confines of the former Mongol empire bear Y chromosomes that seem characteristics of the Mongol ruling house. If so, some 16 million men, or half a percent of the world's male population, can probably claim descent from Genghis Khan. The survey was conducted by Dr Chris Tyler-Smith of Oxford University...."
New York Times, Feb 11, 2003, p.F3

Он к нам пришел с пожаром и мечами
Но не погиб. Черкасов врал с экрана.
С раскосыми и жадными очами
Мы гордо носим гены Чингиз-Хана.

Нам игрек-хромосому не наладит
Теперь ни Бог ни царь и ни герой.
У нас, братишки, всех один пра-прадед
Один на всех, усатый и родной.