Falling down

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When I was a little girl
I tried to understand this world
And if it wouldn’t be so cruel
Maybe I would take its rules

I wanted then to feel the love
I tried to fly like birds above
To see the God I had to pray
And to say what I meant to say…


Now I can change the history
Now I can keep the mystery
Can you explain your laugh attack?
Can you imagine coma black?

[Ch:]I wasn’t right, I wasn’t wrong
I let myself to choose what is strong
We took as main colors red & brown
Our life is falling down

Coming back to life of tears
I have to come again through all my fears
I hate to swear to keep the force –
Always depend – what can be worse?

That entire world takes my mind in fire
Nothing can give me what I desire
My will is to hang the Freedoms crown
But… my life is falling down.

Now I’m gonna lead immortal souls
To help them escape from truth & false
We keep the battle in ancient war
And have the will to win like never before!

We don’t obey temptation to stay
We let our minds being mad & insane
Someone of us will fall on the ground
‘cause… our life is falling down
I’ll let them go, I’ll set them free
For they could talk, for they could breathe
For they could get the music as a drug…
 Our death is falling…