Green Arlekins song

Хранитель Мечты
for nobody
from nowhere

When each of my steps brings
Obsessions of red pain,
And blood of the God streams
Down the stairs of life train,
I'm catching the mood chance,
Even one hundred meters - miles,
Tp enter the wild dance -
To drow in the road's dust
Your heartfull, undressed smile.

When, sleepeing in a cold squat,
I'm trawelling in blackyello dreams,
So hard to belive in what
Undeadly pirats screams.
Old darvish in grey spells:
Your only want might be
In her unexpected eyes,
Corse he, who belives leads,
He leads even those who are wise!"

You, somewhere running in a weel,
Forgeting about the sky,
Can't feel me, but i'm steel
Behind you, like shady spy.
Thou, carryng the collaps ball,
And trying to stop bad things,
Depressing, when you are apset,
And jumping, when your number wins.

The theorem is so hard,
Green Arlekin fell in love.
It's craziness, or also the part
Of the plan, that's below and above?
Yes, may be when you'll be back
You'll change your e-mails and phones,
And one more chain'll bite his neck,
And one more granite will fall,
Crashing his stone bones...