Extravert truth

 …and, who am I, to know wrong from right?
Am not a barrister of clever settled truths,
Far from a judge, that can make all contrite,
And, not a child of ever-vestal couth.

I often bless my night and bane my day,
In effort to behind what I have learned.
In strive to end the fret of self-dismay,
I close my eyes to make myself adjourned.

I often raise my glass to better times,
But never drink to what I deem to find.
I live in coins, in pennies, nickels, dimes,
My life exchange reflects my state of mind.

But, I will learn, to know right from wrong.
My counsel is within, he is my law.
The bench is full, the hearing’s always on,
And, I’m a child --- erratic outlaw…