Эдвард Лир. Лимерики

Борис Архипцев
There was an Old Person of Rhodes,
Who strongly objected to toads;
He paid several cousins,
To catch them by dozens,
That futile Old Person of Rhodes.

Мелкий старец на острове Родос,
Ненавидевший жабью породу-с,
Нанял бойких кузин
Из болот и низин
Повылавливать эту породу-с.

There was an Old Person of Troy,
Whose drink was warm brandy and soy,
Which he took with a spoon,
By the light of the moon,
In sight of the city of Troy.

Некий старец из города Трои
Тёплый бренди и соус из сои
Лил в столовую ложку
И вкушал понемножку
При луне на окраине Трои.

There was an Old Person of Prague,
Who was suddenly seized with the Plague;
But they gave him some butter,
Which caused him to mutter,
And cured that Old Person of Prague.

Жил да был некий старец из Праги,
Злоключилась чума у бедняги;
Так бы жизнь и угасла,
Да коровьего масла
Дали вовремя старцу из Праги.