Autumn dance

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I wanna make your heart a lamp
To light the dark October:
The birds are leaving their camp
Like pain is ending over.

I wanna dance in curtains’ smoke
Like autumn leaves are flying.
To hear the cautious tender knock
Of shoes, make me desiring...

I wanna make your eyes my soul
To keep it soon in heaven.
They coloured night into a coal
And warmed by glance my leather.

I wanna make your hands a scarf
Around my neck and shoulders.
Be whirled forgetting word: “Enough...”
Embrace is burying homeless.

I wanna try your poison lips –
The taste of guelder-rose.
And you’re as bloody crescent sleeps
Becoming far and close.

I wanna be an amorous slave
Your thorny way to share.
To lick the wounds against the grave
And change on sunset care.

I wanna breathe in a tart scent
Of violets in your hair.
The scarlet dawn your smile has lent
To be my secret player.

I’m on the knees near the Christ
And praying through the cliffs:
“Cranberry hearts so highly rised –
Don’t let them fall as leaves”.