разговор с соседом english

Мика Мелон
I was sitting at home. I was empty and tired.
Silly, stupid and foolish question stuck in my mind.
Yes,this theme from antiquity has a very great vogue,
But today contradiction is especcially strong.

I will not miss the boat, but I will do the trick.
It's a hard nut to crack. But you'll say I'm a brick.
I'm playing with fire, but I'll be upper crust.
And don't dare to say that it will be unjust.

I've a head on my shoulders, you're Jack-of-all-trades.
Money makes you unhappy, but for me - opens gates.
If you'r' a sensible person, you will reach every goal,
And if you'r' down and out, you don't have them at all.

Sure,I will make good fortune - yes, I know, that I can.
Not to be just a creature, but to be called a "MAN".
Money won't make you happy, I know you think the same.
It will not make you honour, it will not give you fame.

But I will feed my children, I will buy them new toys,
Satisfy all the whims of my girls or my boys.
And I will give my Mum everything that she wants.
I'm grateful to her, 'cause she gave me a chance.

I'm racking my brains and my heart missed to beat.
It is not off the record: I'm afraid (just a bit).
I'll repeat I need money and welfare as above.
I don't need for myself, but for people I love.

(19:44, 06.12.2007)