It s getting blurry...

It's getting blurry in the evening
When I am coming home back.
I put some music on. It's singing...
I like Charles Aznavour's one track.

I turn the lights on everywhere,
I check my mails, news and all.
It, though, interests me rare -
I wait for never ringing call...

I'm looking out of the window
Observing night life from aside.
Long time ago when being kiddo
I looked the same - eyes opened wide.

I didn't see the world in whole,
I just believed in gospel truth.
I thought brave heart and gentle soul
Could make my things in life all smooth.

Then time was passing by too fast...
Unfaithful people, poor trust...
All things went into total mess:
Love, death, bad luck, success...

It's getting blurry, disappears...
It's not from darkness or some wine.
It's hard to hold inside all tears
And keep the image "All-is-fine".