Fairytale 16 06 2010

Татьяна Княжна
A fairytale, that seems as old as time,
A magic story... Innocent?... divine?..
What if there's more to stories than we're told?
So let us see, how it indeed unfolds....

Imagine that: a forest... starry night...
The moon is generously sharing sacred light.
It's very quiet, and the only thing we hear
Is someone running through the forest somewhere near...

Steps getting closer... and we make a fist...
We see a maiden, followed by the beast.
She grabs a knife, then turns around and stops...
The smell of danger fills the air up... Wolf attacks!

... He's simply hungry...She just wants  to live...
She has a knife.. He's got his claws and teeth...
The game is fair.. The fight is to the death.
She screams... He stares... And gives her his last breath...

The silent forest, suddenly alive.
She looks around, still holding bloody knife...
Alone she stands in dark enchanted woods,
While bright red stains have covered riding hood....