The wheel of Sansara

Людмила 31
The wheel is the core of the progress today.
It helps you to move from one place
To other one on our vast round Earth,
An play your role in the play from the birth...

another variant

The wheel is the core of progress today.
The more you do have -
Then the better your play
On stage of the Life.
You're the actor in it.
…The wheel helps you moving
On Earth vast, indeed...

The years're turning round you in a cycle,
You need to be careful not to get into sudden
Such a spoke of this moving Wheel,
Which's called a Sansara or a Destiny...

Vinita Kumar Dear Lyudmila, while "researching" on the 8th House this is what i found about Destiny - the Wheel.

"When we're going though intense change it can be helpful to think of the wheel of samsara or illusion as being an actual wheel. The closer we get to the center or hub the less spinning actually takes place. This is why meditation and spiritual practices are so important because they pull us back into the peaceful center of our beings so we can stop spinning out with our minds. The way out is in."

Isn't that lovely?