Life harmony s dance

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Life harmony’s dance
(inspired by Jim Rohn’s “It’s up to you”)

As Jim Rohn says: “It’s up to you”,
And, evidently, that’s very true.
Employing self-responsibility
With effort, discipline, ability.

“It’s up to you” may sound simple.
May not be easy for some people.
The goal is choosing what we dream,
Proceed with action with life’s theme.

“It’s up to you” may feel ambiguous.
Facing the pressure may have weakened us.
Continuing to focus on our goal
Will help pursuing our mission, call.

Jim said: “It’s up to you.” Or, is it really?
We’ve asked ourselves when serious or silly.
We choose our destiny, it’s in our hands.
Let us contribute to life harmony’s dance!

Copyright©2011 Mila Alper