Kopernik, Newton, Darwin, Columbus, Mendeleev

Георгий Тележко
(перевод трёх+два известных шуточных куплетов на английский)

To prove rotation of the Earth
Kopernik had to work for years.
A fool! He'd better get adrunk -
To feel immediate result!

Great Newton worked a lot, in fact,
To prove that bodies can attract,
A fool! He'd better fall in love
To hurl his doubts far above!

Charles Darwin thought a lot of years
To see how humans could appear.
A fool! He'd better marry once
To leave his doubts no chance!

Columbus carrying out his job
Had found America in vain.
A fool! He'd better found a pub
To meet the needs of our lane.

Mendeleev all life through
Inserted elements in squares.
A fool! He'd better learn to brew
Good home vodka out of chairs.

Последние два куплета добавлены 31 марта 2012 года, после "провокации" со стороны Андрея Репина (http://www.stihi.ru/avtor/andyrepin ) :)