
Зауре Хизатолла
Harmony is being born in a family,
by tending relatives with love,
intending to consider verily
by praying virtuously for all of the above.

Harmony is  a spring, a source,
with tinkling song to beautify in a field,
to dance amid the spinney cane
to break a silence by the whisper,
to rill through stones up to the river shield.

Harmony is a rainbow in calmness,
a bell of dew drop between the Sky and the Earth,
repentant tears way to happiness
to contour border peace between the land and water.

Harmony is entirely perfection,
there has been neither flaw nor surfeit.
It is blissful same as vernal equinox
submissive wisely resolving without torture.

Harmony is shapeless inner body’s temple
but it was named and placed with meaning
the same as Muse that in creation dared
for Yin and Yang to integrate the being.

Harmony is real and valid
just take notice of its being everywhere
by opening its simplicity and humbly genial.