Имя ребенка - Лев... , перевод М. Цветаевой

Людмила 31
And the name of baby is - Lev
(* - in russian Lev is Leo),
His mother is - Anna,
He has in his name - anger,
Mother has only - silence.
His hair are coloured red
- The tulip's head! -
Then let it be 'Osanna'
To this small tzar.

Let god presents him - the inhale
And the smile of mother,
The look - of the pearl's

God, look at him
Attentively from the time:
The tzar's son is more fortunable,
Than the other ones.

The red lion's son
With the green eyes -
You are destined to carry once
The awful inheritance!
The North Ocean and the South Ocean,
And also the thread of pearl black beads -
In your hand!

24 June 1916