What is this?

Элиза Микаилова
What is this madness? Why is this obsession?
No, I should not be blindly asking why -
Whatever feeling, when it's such a passion,
Means just one thing: it's time to say good-bye

To all what was. For it's a new beginning,
My call's been answered, time to walk this path,
The new path, scary hard, but filled with meaning.
In all this darkness will I ever laugh

Again? Will I have any joy or drown in pain?
I started walking, eyes are closed with fear.
All that could hold me back have failed to restrain.
My heart has chosen this, my love is so sincere.

It hurts, it burns, and yet it feels so good,
Feels right - the fate, its powerful attraction.
I know I will be scorned, misunderstood...
I'll find a way to deal with their reaction.

I'll walk through darkness till I see the light,
I'll let the pain invade and make me stronger.
No matter what the choice is, all will fight
A lifetime - not a single hour longer.