Строфа 3

Игорь Скрягин
Служив отлично благородно,
Completely serving even nobly,

Долгами жил его отец,
With constant debts his father lived,

Давал три бала ежегодно
Who made not less than three balls yearly

И промотался наконец.
And came to ruin not too swift.

Судьба Евгения хранила:
His fate was Eugene ever keeping:

Сперва Madame за ним ходила,
At first «Madame» was him long treating,

Потом Monsieur ее сменил.
Whom then «Monsieur» one day replaced.

Ребенок был резов, но мил.
The child was quick and nice with face.

Monsieur l’Abbeu, француз убогой,
«Monsieur l’Abbeu», a French was wretched,

Чтоб не измучилось дитя,
To make the child exhausted not,

Учил его всему шутя,
Taught him with all on funny note,

Не докучал моралью строгой,
Did bother not through strictness and it

Слегка за шалости бранил
Meant that for frolics him reproved

И в Летний сад гулять водил.
And to the Summer Garden moved.