Строфа 12

Игорь Скрягин
Как рано мог уж он тревожить
How early could he make uneasy

Сердца кокеток записных!
Hearts of the regular coquettes!

Когда ж хотелось уничтожить
When did he want quite to erase in

Ему соперников своих,
The dust his enemies and let’s

Как он язвительно злословил!
Say how maliciously he’s scoffing!

Какие сети им готовил!
What nets for them was he up working!

Но вы, блаженные мужья,
But you – the husbands were so blessed

С ним оставались вы друзья:
That did remain his candid friends:

 Его ласкал супруг лукавый,
He was caressed by cunning spouse

Фобласа давний ученик,
Who was a pupil of Faublas,

И недоверчивый старик,
As well a pretty old man as

И рогоносец величавый,
A cuckold who liked much a rouse,

Всегда довольный сам собой,
That was so happy with his life,

Своим обедом и женой.
His dinner and of course his wife.