Строфа 22

Игорь Скрягин
Еще амуры, черти, змеи
Still  cupids, devils, snakes and others

На сцене скачут и шумят;
Were jumping noisy on the stage;

Еще усталые лакеи
Still footmen who were tired rather

На шубах у подъезда спят;
With fur coats which were all the rage.

Еще не перестали топать,
Yet did not stop at all the audience

Сморкаться, кашлять, шикать, хлопать;
To stamp feet, hiss, cough, clap as always;

Еще снаружи и внутри
Yet there inside and outside

Везде блистают фонари;
Did shine at every turn the lights;

Еще, прозябнув, бьются кони,
Still feeling cold were nervous horses,

Наскуча упряжью своей,
Being bored with harness that’s not slight,

И кучера, вокруг огней,
And coachmen standing near lights

Бранят господ и бьют в ладони –
Did scold their masters that was worthless -

А уж Онегин вышел вон;
The audience stayed Onegin less;

Домой одеться едет он.
He’s going home to change his dress.