
Луна поляну освещала,
В кромешной тьме виднелся блик…
А у опушки на поляне
Друиды прятали свой лик.

Стояли в чёрных балахонах
Монахи, пряча часть лица.
И прикрываясь капюшоном
Образовали тень кольца.

Читали тихо всё, по книгам -
По кругу начали идти…
То руки к небу простирали,
То скрещивали на груди.

И вот, невинного ягнёнка
Который мир еще не знал.
На камни маги положили, -
И в их руке сверкнул кинжал.

Он хаотично вырывался
Не понимая, что конец…
И дикий крик пронзил округу –
Со смертью дух шёл под венец.

Кровь убиенного младенца
Собрали в чашу дополна.
И приподняли над главами
Испили оное до дна.

И тут, как водится в обрядах, -
Девицу нагишом вели…
Угрюмо прикрывали косы
Всю красоту, аж до земли.

И с ней коварно поступили, -
Тьме дали жизнь её испить …
А после мирно умертвили
Чтоб тайну не смогла открыть.

Свершилось всё. Обряд окончен.
И две души нашли покой.
И только месяц неизменно
Светил и слушал волчий вой…


Перевод на анг. - Андрей Чекмарев

        "The rite"

Full moon was bringing light to glade.
A speck of shine was seen in darkness.
At edge of woods, druids stood late.
With faces hid they seemed one likeness.

In black loose overalls being clad,
the monks were hiding partly faces.
They stood in ring of forest shade.
Their hoods on heads - of eyes no traces.

In silence they were reading books.
Then, all have started walking round.
They stretched to sky their hands - black hooks.
And, crossing arms on breasts, fell down.

(They had to make a sacrifice.
The Druids' gods for blood were starving.
This could have made them strong and wise.
Good hopes sometimes come true by carving...)

They brought a poor baby lamb,
Who opened eyes for world to see.
Laid on the stones, lamb was Gods' ham.
In Druid’s hand then flashed a snee.

For life the baby struggled pell-mell.
He could not understand the reason
For death. Wild shout in area could tell
How death with soul oped marriage season.

Of murdered lamb they gathered blood.
The bowl was full. They raised with motto
Above their heads the sacred pot
And drank killed life up to the bottom.

It was not yet the final show.
Druids allured naked girl for victim.
Her hair in beauty gloomy glowed
And covered her, for shelter seeking.

They treated girl in awful way.
Her life's for darkness tasteful liquid.
They couldn’t afford her live to stay.
No one will ever know their secret...

Now its’s all done. You watched the riot.
Two souls, two hearts will rest in peace.
Only the moon, while shining, cried,
And wolf in woods howled on his knees..