How many are gone

Сокол Соколович
How many are gone, where did they go?
And there is no the back way.
Floating and drowning, up and below,
Straight is the great Judgment Day.

How many events, colorful days
Can we remember today?
How many people we knew in good way?
Kindness of them here to stay.

How many ideas, paintings and songs
Do not exist yet on Earth?
How many days to the future belongs,
From the begining to birth?

What will you take to the road for yourself,
How much the evil in soul?
If it will burden on your little shelf,
Good things you should do for all.

How many are gone, where did they go?
And there is no the back way.
Floating and drowning, up and below,
Straight is the great Judgment Day.


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