
the sleeping princess was awaken
when th’ prince kissed ardently her lips
some cynic people think that he also
did something else

walks in a geisha in the morning
with two bright flowers in her hand
why don’t you stick this ikebana
into a vase

Had I not duly been castrated
this decollete would ‘ve lured me that
was what thought of his shapely mistress
the cat

n gogol’ thought I ‘ll light it now
he put aside his pen and ink
and raised to th’ pipe few burning pages
of th’ souls

you people are so degenerated
from th' state that you 've always been in
i hope this trend w’ld stop enticing
more devotees

The sleeping princess -- SAMOPEREVOD

на завтрак принесла мне гейша
две ветки сакуры во льду
засунь ты эту икебану
в кувшин

кастрировать меня не стали б
увлекся б этим декольте
так думал глядя на хозяйку
© ?  post by Redinlay

ну всё зажгу подумал гоголь
и отложив перо и тушь
он прикурил от эпилога
из душ

вы деградировали люди
вы все давно уже не те
я вас прошу не деградиро
© Цай