
Альбина Кумирова
O, how we love our cosy rotten world!
How we cherish its warped and abysmal ways!
Media skilfully plays with a twisted word:
by spreading a vile perverseness, it makes our days.

Stealing newspapers’ fronts as its legitimate place,
sin gets the foremost attention in our minds.
Neither God’s miracles, nor His incredible grace –
nothing about our Saviour there reminds.

All that is dreadfully shocking appeals to us,
it takes our boredom away and tickles nerves.
Instead of examining our sins, we fuss
about others’ brutality that perturbs.

Our evil nature is creeping by stealth.
Minds are fed on news cruel and wild.
Isn't nice to know: not me but someone else
murdered his neighbour or wife, or raped a child?


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