Сны-серебро-трава... Dreams-silver-grass...

Миледи Ольга Переводы

Освобожденье душ связано с нашим телом,
словно зеркальность луж с небом иссине-белым...
Я напишу слова прутиком на водице:
сны-серебро-трава...сквозь...чтобы излечиться...

The clearing of souls associated with our body,
as if the mirror of puddles with the blue-white sky...
I'll write the words by a thin twig on the water:
dreams-silver- grass... through... to be healthy...
Странно мое безумие -
ждать, словно жемчуга,
отклика в полнолуние
и убегать в луга...

So is strange my madness -
waitings, as if for pearls,
Reply - in a full-lunar glance
and to hide in a meadow grass...

Там человечье-богово,
там не нужны слова...
Льются горячим оловом

There's the human-gods,
there you won't use of words...
By the hot tin there poured
dreams - silver - grass...

Струнно-молочно-травное -
призвук травы и вкус...
Мне не забыть бы главное -
и не рассыпать бус -

Dairy - herb's - stringed -
overtone of the taste and grass...
I wouldn't forget the main thing -
just not to splash off my beads...

капель прикосновения...
Может, я не права -
выпустила мгновение
птицей из рукава...

Droplets of soul's touch...
maybe, I am not right?
I let out the trice of lives
like a swan from my sleeves..

Призрачно онемение
у золотого рва...
Мне б не забыть парение -

Numbness is illusive
near the golden ditch ...
I can't forget this dance:
dreams - silver - grass ...

К соколу...летят мои сны, к соколу...
около сердца его, вьются около....
травами росными да серебряно...
связаны вечностью, а не временем

To Falcon... my dreams fly to Falcon...
beside his heart, they weaved beside....
By dew herb... splashed by silver grasss,
it means all eternity, instead of one trice...


The clearing of souls associated with our body,
as if the mirror of puddles with the blue-white sky...
I'll write the words by a thin twig on the water:
dreams - silver - grass... through... to be healthy...
So is strange my madness -
waitings, as if for pearls,
Reply - in a full-lunar glance
and to hide in a meadow grass...

There's the human-gods,
there you won't use of words...
By the hot tin there poured
dreams - silver - grass...

Dairy - herb's - stringed -
overtone of the taste and grass...
I wouldn't forget the main thing -
just not to splash off my beads...

Droplets of soul's touch...
maybe, I am not right?
I let out the trice of lives
like a swan from my sleeves..

Numbness is illusive
near the golden ditch ...
I can't forget this dance:
dreams - silver - grass ...

To Falcon... my dreams fly to Falcon...
beside his heart, they weaved beside....
By dew herb... splashed by silver grasss,
it means all eternity, instead of one trice...