Фея огня... Fairy of fire...

Миледи Ольга Переводы

Озеро горное, зеленолунное...
Всплеск...Из озерных глубин
Девы всплывают...Расходятся рунами
Волны от сонма ундин...

Lake between mountains is lunar-green...
splash-burst ... from the depths of the lake
Virgins emerge... they float by runes
in waves - from the host of undines ...

Руки изящные сетью сплетенные
нечто выносят из вод...
шепчут...находкой своей изумленные,
словно упал небосвод.

Their graceful hands were plaited by net
have taken something from waters...
They whisper... were amazed... of a find
as if the sky dome fell down...

Будто в ночи нереальное ожило,
пламя застыло в воде...
Озеро блики минувшего множило...
Я наяву, как во сне...

As if the unreal became alive this night,
the flame have stuck in deep water...
Reflections of lake multiply the last life...
I'm awoken up... not slumbered...

Диво в ночи с перламутровой кожею...
Звездных очей бирюза...
В сумраке вязком зарницей тревожною
Смотрит насквозь мне в глаза...

Night.. divine Miracle with the pearl skin...
from stellar eyes - turquoise ...
In viscous twilight - by anxiety lightning
it's looking inside... through my eyes...

Озера плен - украшенье свинцовое -
плата твоя за любовь.
Знаю, принцесса, что ты невиновная -
в венах - рубинами кровь,

Lake captivation - the leaden jewelry -
it's payment for your sinful love.
I know, Princess, that you're innocent -
through veins - thrilling rubies of blood...

не изумрудна...Пурпурно - рассветная
стынет кристаллами...и,
кожу пронзая, горит безответная -
алые словно цветы...

It's not emerald... as if purple Dawn
Unrequited light - it is piercing Skin,
as if scarlet blooming in Spring ...

Взгляд обжигающе хладною льдиною
В душу скатился...Ищу
Искру любви... Я в беседе с ундинами,
В сердце огонь проращу...

Sight of its eyes ...stings as ice-floe
it slides into soul ... I'm searching apart
But, spark of love ...to Undines told
I'll kindle the fire  - inside of the heart...

В гроте гранитном оставьте до полночи
златоволосую, я,
чтобы ослабить озерные обручи,
вызову духа огня...

In grotto granite... leave me till midnight
the golden-hair virgin,
To weaken Lake hoops... by the light
I'll call - the spirit of fire... tonight...

Трепетно пламя...Сферичным биением
плавит чернильную ночь...
Огненной чаши прими вдохновение
озера горнего дочь...

Flame was quivering... by thrills of Sphere
has melted the sinful black night...
Take inspiration from the fiery chalice
the daughter - of Lake in height...

Выпей и вспомни как ночью купальскою
в лунный сияющий час
в озеро всполохом канув уральское,
дивный огонь твой угас...

Drink and remember - about that night
in shining moonlight of midnight...
You've splashed in the lake of Uralsk
extinguished the fire of your divine life...

Через костер - да в объятья любимого
прыгнула...Стыл поцелуй
озера...Искры мерцания синего
сквозь преломления струй...

Through bonfire - and to lover's embraces
you've jumped... but, cooled down a kiss
of the Lake...in sparks flicker dark-blue
the flow refractions - spilled through ...

Огненным элем согрею замерзшую
Льдистую душу твою...
Выплавлю спящую, в озеро вросшую -
Песню огня ей спою...

By fiery ale... I'll heat at this night
the ice of your frozen soul...
It's ingrown in Lake and sleeping tonight
but, I'll sing - the song of love glow ...

Ультрамарином звенящими трассами
ангелов эха пройду
в небе над озером... Звездными стразами
вышью твою я беду...

Ultramarine trails are ringing afar
with echo of Angels - I'll pass
In Sky above Lake...  rhinestones of stars
I'll embroider your trouble...at last...

А на рассвете душою изранена -
духом, как прежде, сильна
В небо взметнется коралловым пламенем
Фея любви и огня.

And at Dawn... with wounded soul,
but, spirit is strong, as before,
will rise into Sky... like flame of coral
Fairy of fire... has breathed love-glow...

Fairy of fire

Lake between mountains is lunar-green...
splash-burst... from the depths of the lake
Virgins emerge... they float by runes
in waves - from the host of undines ...

Their graceful hands were plaited by net
have taken something from waters...
Whispering... they're amazed of a find
as if the sky dome fell down...

As if the unreal became alive this night,
the flame have stuck in deep water...
Reflections of lake multiply the last life...
I'm awoken up... not slumbered...

Night.. divine Miracle with the pearl skin...
from stellar eyes - turquoise ...
In viscous twilight - by anxiety lightning
it's looking inside... through my eyes...

Lake captivation - the leaden jewelry -
it's payment for your sinful love.
I know, Princess, that you're innocent -
through veins - thrilling rubies of blood...

It's not emerald... as if purple Dawn

Unrequited light - it is piercing Skin,
as if scarlet blooming in Spring ...

Sight of its eyes.. .stings as ice-floe
it slides into soul... I'm searching apart
But, spark of love... to Undines told
I'll kindle the fire - inside of the heart...

In grotto granite... leave me - till midnight,
the golden-hair virgin,
To weaken Lake hoops... by the light
I'll call - the spirit of fire... tonight...

Flame was quivering... by thrills of Sphere
has melted the sinful black night...
Take inspiration from the fiery chalice
the daughter - of Lake in height...

Drink and remember - about that night
in shining moonlight of midnight...
You've splashed in the Lake of Uralsk
extinguished the fire of your divine life...

Through bonfire - and to lover's embrace
you've jumped... but, cooled down a kiss
of the Lake...in sparks flicker dark-blue
the flow refractions - spilled through...

By fiery ale... I'll heat at this night
the ice of your frozen soul...
It's ingrown in Lake and sleeping tonight
but, I'll sing - the song of love glow...

Ultramarine trails are ringing afar
with echo of Angels - I'll pass
In Sky above Lake...  rhinestones of stars
I'll embroider your troubles...at last...

And at Dawn... with wounded soul,
but, spirit is strong, as before,
will rise into Sky... like flame of coral
Fairy of fire... has breathed love-glow...