In St. Petersburg. перевод из Юрий Семецекий

Елизавета Судьина
In St. Petersburg throughout there are Lions, horses,
uncomfortable in this menagerie of souls.
I'll walk down Nevsky
and come to the square,
whose name - has become a clich; for long.

From Sennaya the metro will bring you to Kupchino.
Here, you breathe freely
and less of pride,
because area isn't so chock-full here,
still it is city's roadside.

I will stroll along Piter's curbs,
without any fear of people, slush.
I am going to clean the shoes after they will soak,
because Peter is everywhere foul,
everywhere courtyards, streets, alleys,
all around crowds of sweaty, and smelly bodies.

I would like to live
in this God-blessed Petersburg
if I wanted to live.