Happy B-Day to U. Акро

Абер Дох
H ours and days pass one by one,
A nd nothing can stop their marvelous run,
P lease, look around and try to behold -
P oetical soul has come to the world!
Y ellow leaves keep falling intently,

B lue sky above is touching you gently;
I wanna wish you in such a great day:
R ough things and people - to go away,
T housands of flowers, kisses and friends,
H appiness, fortune and hope – in trends.
D oors to God’s grace will be opened anew,
A guardian angel will care for you;
Y ou are incredibly wise and unique,

T ender and pleasant, not gloomy or bleak;
O ddish a bit? But it’s really cool!

Y ou’re my favourite teacher from school;
O nly for you I am gonna repeat -
U nbearably LOVE you, my Mister Wind!