Double perfidy

Àíäðåé Àëåêñàíäðîâè÷ Òðåòüÿêîâ
Please, take away your eyes, don’t stare at me.
Your last decision wasn’t wise,
It eve hadn’t chance to be…
You broke my heart, my dear, twice.
How can it be? Oh, let us see…
The first your hit I wasn’t waiting.
That awful day, when it was raining,
You said you were at home alone.
How could I be so blind, my darling,
For to have faith you were behaving
Like little sheep of St. Jerome?
I know, my sweet, you were pretending,
And just that time you were betraying
My poor, pure and virgin love.
So… bridal-bed you were using
In sticking way of hot embracing
With that bright-headed handsome ‘dove’.
Your soul and body you were selling
For instant, may be honeyed, feeling.
To tell the truth, it’s not a price.
As I have said, I wasn’t waiting
Of such an ugly way of handling.
That’s how you hit my week heart once.
The second hit was too disgusting.
I wasn’t even realizing…
It was a really great surprise.
When we just met, in sense were diving,
You said you liked how I was smiling
And loved my deepest dark-brown eyes.
But while our days were slowly running,
I found in you a bit strange leaning.
It seemed you loved my money more.
Your selfish favor was increasing,
I didn’t want that fact believe in
And spent on you all funds I had.
Expansive silk you were dressing,
My pocket hard you kept in pressing
And tried to play a regnant role.
But just when stocks my were ruining,
You easy said without concealing
That I’m incept for you at all.
And then you finished with an adding
That I was only interesting
For you as stupid cashing boy…
I tried to find the way for being,
Myself I terribly was killing
And felt like old’n broken toy.
But when my life began reforming,
And all my funds were quickly growing,
You have returned t’admit your fault.
So now in front of my you’re sitting,
I’ve no idea, what you’re waiting.
I’ll say: ‘goodbye’, cause you should go.
Don’t want to see you anymore.