He tried

Егор Змеев
He was a writer, but no one wanted to read his books; he was a singer, but no one wanted to hear his songs; he was an artist, but no one wanted to see his paintings. He knew that no one will write an obituary for him when the time comes; therefore he did it himself. It was done brilliantly and simple, just like everything else he has done. Only two words: "He tried." Years later, some kids were making a shortcut from school through the cemetery and to pass time they were making fun of the writings on the tombstones. When they saw a small tilted stone overgrown with grass with only two visible words on it, they just had to stop. Coming closer they were surprised that "He tried" were the only words carved on the granite. After a good laugh they couldn't resist to put on their own wisdom to finish the sentence, even though, as expected, they absolutely missed the author's point. When they left, the tilted stone became more visible, because the kids trampled all the grass and the epitaph - added with spray paint - read, "He tried and failed miserably."