Перевод стихотворения Гиппиус Электричество

Дмитрий Белянин

Перевод стихотворения Зинаиды Гиппиус "Электричество" на английский язык
Оригинал: http://slova.org.ru/gippiusz/ehlektrichestvo/.
Перевод опубликован: https://ruverses.com/zinaida-gippius/electricity/1902/

Two threads, together braided,
With bare ends, not combined,
Those “yes” and “no” are plaited,
Disjoined, but intertwine.
In dark and dead entwinement,
Packed tightly, idle then,
Just waiting for revival.
Revival waits for them.
Some “yes” and “no”, emerging,
Touch others to unite,
Those “yes” and “no”, still virgin,
Awaken, firmly merging:
Their death shall lead to light.