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up for grabs

phrase of grab


available; obtainable.
"great prizes up for grabs"

synonyms: available, obtainable, to be had, for the taking; for sale, on the market; informalfor the asking, on tap, gettable
"dozens of prizes are up for grabs"

receded from his grasp

Tantalus  (TAN-tuh-lus) 

The word "tantalize" comes from the plight of the mythological Tantalus, who so offended the gods that he was condemned in the afterlife to an eternity of hunger and thirst. He was made to stand in a pool in Tartarus, the Underworld zone of punishment. Each time he reached down for the water that beckoned to his parched lips, it drained away. Overhanging the pool were boughs laden with luscious fruit. But each time Tantalus stretched to pluck this juicy sustenance, the boughs receded from his grasp. For his crime, which may have entailed stealing ambrosia from the gods, this great sinner was tantalized indeed. More pictures of Tantalus in the entries for Tartarus, ambrosia and nectar.



gerund or present participle: tantalizing

torment or tease (someone) with the sight or promise of something that is unobtainable. "such ambitious questions have long tantalized the world's best thinkers"

•excite the senses or desires of (someone).
"she still tantalized him"

synonyms: tease, torment, torture, bait; More



1. having or exhibiting something that provokes or arouses expectation, interest, or desire, especially that which remains unobtainable or beyond one's reach: a tantalizing taste of success.

Origin of tantalizing Expand

First recorded in 1650-60; tantalize + -ing

Related forms Expand

tantalizingly, adverb

untantalizing, adjective

Can be confused Expand

tantalizing, titillating.

Contemporary Examples

The White-Haired Man (James Morrison), so tantalizingly creepy in his appearance last season, was felled pretty quickly.
‘Revenge’: What Went Wrong with ABC’s Once-Daring Thriller? 

Jace Lacob 

March 7, 2013 

Rich in mythology and character development, and tantalizingly complex, Lost is not something to be watched passively.

The Lost Season 

Allyssa Lee 

September 14, 2009 

After months of debate, lawmakers seeking to pass health-care reform are tantalizingly close to the goal line.
The Democrats' Doomsday Health Plans 

Benjamin Sarlin 

January 19, 2010 

Historical Examples

Stella, although admiring the uniforms, was tantalizingly uncritical.

Peggy Stewart at School 

Gabrielle E. Jackson 

Their friend's answers were brief and tantalizingly incomplete.

Cy Whittaker's Place 

Joseph C. Lincoln 

Presently his eyes wandered from these treasures to the budding bushes that nodded so tantalizingly over the wall.

The Louisa Alcott Reader 

Louisa M. Alcott 

Frances' behavior to the young doctor was tantalizingly contradictory.

Kent Knowles: Quahaug 

Joseph C. Lincoln 

His name—” she hesitated   tantalizingly—“ is Signor Abraham Lincoln.

Jerry Junior 

Jean Webster 

I dare you to give me a good ball, said Alvin tantalizingly.

The Boy Patrol on Guard 

Edward S. Ellis 

She did not know how tantalizingly her face, close and clear in skin texture as the petal of a lily, flashed out her dislike.

The King Of Beaver, and Beaver Lights 

Mary Hartwell Catherwood 

Word Origin and History for tantalizingly Expand

tantalizing  adj.

mid-17c., present participle adjective from tantalize. Related: Tantalizingly.

Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper



Wortart:   schwaches Verb

Gebrauch: österreichisch, sonst veraltet

Worttrennung: sek|kie|ren

1. belaestigen, quaelen
2. necken

Synonyme zu sekkieren
anliegen, anpoebeln, belaestigen, drangsalieren, maltraetieren, martern, nerven, piesacken, plagen, quaeen, quengeln, schikanieren, schinden, schmerzen, stechen, stoeren, verspotten, wehtun

Betonung:  sekkieren 

italienisch seccare, eigentlich;= (aus)trocknen < lateinisch siccare, zu: siccus;= trocken