Liliputins in German and English-812

Юрий Слободенюк
Ohne pants-presser von Brooklin waere Hollywood eine tote Hose ... "
Marlen Dietrich

Liliputins. What, the heck, is this ?

Skilled Labor

Skilled and semiskilled Jewish workers, from increasingly industri­alized homelands, continued to arrive in the United States at the turn of the century. Nearly 67 percent of gainfully employed Jewish immigrants who arrived between 1899 and 1914 possessed industrial skills–a much higher proportion than any other incoming national group.

These men and women helped to fill the needs of the expanding garment trades in New York. In 1880, 10 percent of the clothing factories in the United States were in New York City; by 1910 the total had risen to 47 percent, with Jews constituting 80 percent of the hat and cap makers, 75 percent of the furriers, 68 percent of the tailors and pants-pressers  , and 60 percent of the milliners.

tote Hose
es passiert nichts;
nichts los;