Спят усталые игрушки - engligh

Евгений Ратков
Интерпретация колыбельной
"Спят усталые игрушки"

All tired toys are sleeping now,
All books are too.
Pillows're saying to the children: - How
We wait for you!
Fairy tale even wants to sleep,
It can come in dream to meet,
Wish  you it: - Good night
And sleep tight.

Fairy tale can set you upon the moon,
Fairy tale can  set  you into a cartoon, 
There may be an old fox,
There may be an baby ox,
Don't you be afraid,
You may befriend.

Dream must come to everybody every night,
You will get up tomorrow - it will be allright.
Worked through last day - we are tired,
Let say to the rest: - Good night!
Close your dreamy eyes
With my lullaby.