Liliputins in English

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 Liliputins by Yury Lobo

 Liliputins are nothing else but a nice try to live and understand life
 backwards ... "
 Soren Kierkegaard

 Creating liliputins means playing with  words as with glas beads ... "
 Hermann  Hesse

 Acerbic wit of liliputins  is hurtful and helpful in the same time as a    surgeon's knife ...  "
 Gore Vidal

 Misquotations are sometimes  better than originals  ... "
 Mark Twain

 Yury pushes the boundaries of satire; he is provocative and spares no one, himself included  ... "
 Trevor Noah

"The trouble with quotes on the Internet is that you can never know if they are genuine."
 - Abraham Lincoln

“Art is a lie that tells the truth.”
- Pablo Picasso



Liliputins ( derived from adjective "lilliputian" which means "very small in size" but in my case not necessarily "trivial "and idiom "to put words in sb.' mouth"  in short ) are a brand- new cutting edge direction in modern postmodernistic fiction of mockery, ridicule, sarcasm and derision solely created, coined  and penned by me. Based on Soren Kierkegaard's idea that life could be only understood backwards. I’m deliberatly, willfully and literally putting in the mouths of the great characters in history and fictional protagonists ( stock characters) of all epoques  and countries dead or alive the made-up words or real ( or twisted) quotations , which they never have said,  but might have. To make a long  story short, liliputins are my own mostly revisionistic and anachronistic creations in form of intencially produced misquotations or counterfeit one line aphorisms, maxims, mini tales, jokes or quips  with some degree of truth in it, which I attribute ( misattribute ) to others in order to make a point. It is completely up to the readers’s  level  of  knowledge,  intelligence and believes to sort  out  truth from fiction. Liliputins compresse time and allow to put on the collision course the present and the past, the alive and the dead, things and humans, dead serious and ridicule, real and made up. Liliputins are also a suitable vehicle for the would be time travelers and alternative history lovers. Liliputins are contemporary, old fashioned, satiric, ironic, thought- provoking, mind-boggling, hilarious, sad, mean, kind, shocking, outrageous, flattering, highly controversial, but never boring  and always eye-opening and short as the life itself. Mrs. Erma Bombeck said once “There is a thin line that separates laughter and pain, comedy and tragedy, humor and hurt.”
I sincerely hope I did not overstep this thin line in my book.
Sorry for unintended contempt and pain I might cause.
Oscar Wilde once said " If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.”
So please don't kill the mocking bird !

Yury Lobo aka Rudi Culous -The Unorthodox Thinker

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Anthony Scaramucci broke the record of being the shortest quickie in the history of the White House and Trump had all the pleasure ... "
Bill Maher

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Dark ages will be still around as long the public is kept in the dark ... "

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Rasism is the white elephant in Trump's White House ... "
 Martin Luther King Jr.


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Trump is blowing his own trumpet better than myself ... "
Louis Armstrong

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The mysterious ingredients of military genius are caviar to the general ... "
Napoleon Bonaparme

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I wish somebody would say to me "Straighten up and fly right" ... "

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The 10 commandments were not set in stone ... "
Donald J. Trump

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Birds of feather are tarred together ... "
Senator Joseph McCarthy

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Nothing tarnishes your reputation more than being tarred and feathered ... "
John Malcolm

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The invention of Dr. Guillotine turned a lot of heads ... "
Thomas Edison