В моей душе English Version

Михаил Гавайский-Погорельский
My soul is filled with darkest expectations
That something horrible had almost came to us
And I, Despite my very hard manipulations,
Cannot believe, that normal life comes back

And I am scared of the news’s uproar
Because I hear all the same-
That we already gone from future
And everything is going to Hell

Events are getting scarier and darker
And in the Cities we can see the War
And who is fighting, what’s the purpose?
And nobody knows what it's for.

I only dream, that miracle may happen
We need to understand, before it is too late
That Victory does not exist for Humans
Atomic War can only burn to Hell

But who would listen? Deaf are humans
They are all blind, they watched too much TV
And people are too busy with the living
And every moment they all have the same

And if we keep the road we are moving,
Than Heaven will get brighter that the thousands of Suns
And this bright light will show who’s there
And He will be not God, but His beloved Son