32 came in -введение in a flat groove. basic eleme

Владимир Смелостев

In this figure and, that is important in Scale М = 1:1 the most Part of Elements inherent in this type of a groove is shown. About ten elements it will turn out from Triangles. For example, as a rule in the bottom of a carved board the Triangles fill a Rectangular field, that the Earth is called accordingly -! Besides in a groove, as the Element is applied Two - гранные of a flute of width and depth in 2 - by(with) 3 mm, that serves for Cutting порезок, that
Remain after наколки a cutter - jamb in the first operation - наколку or надрезку -cut. Сколышек –Element- accordingly it will turn out for time, when срезается надрезанный – cut- an Element. As a rule in the literature on a groove, is especial in clauses where acquaint with beginnings of a groove, Сколышки –Element- draw!? I Сколышек pin on an eye, as well as in two numbers(lines) it(him), when it turns out compound of Сколышков - an element – Веревочка – element-, or in a triangular surface receive Соты –element-. As a rule in the initial period from - Scales cut the schematic image of fishes! In practice from scales cut for
example Фигурки – tip- female, that I have shown in the beginning в_ВВЕДЕНИЕ In RUSSIAN РЕЗЬБУ1 - on page 41 and 45 pages - there old boards, and as my board резанная under this project.


Beginning of pair pages earlier. Now you can see, What Elements I have applied. I shall repeat, that at each carver The set of elements and place them on hand-made articles. I cut, as a rule with Complete Symmetry, that is I fill All surface! It if not I am mistaken it is peculiar to Northern and Perm – горским-mountain-  прялкам -board, figure on them. I have found of the Large size figures or photos no more than two ten such jobs, and unit from them - прялки. The rests of food would block a groove and the chopping Board can be cut out, But as decorative or on her it is possible to cut  sausage or bread..
p/s From Elements here: the socket a straight line and its(her) Fourth parts, the Triangles fill in other surface, and Сколышки –element- go on edge(territory) on large radius. Besides here is Two - гранные –lines- of a flute, and Лесенка –element- in the Bottom Floor to the socket. Also it is a pure(clean) groove! If a hand-made article to clean(remove) from the covered place, the groove is not visible precisely! Then will apply water морилки, the surface can be dried up наж by fire of a gas cooker, moving a hand-made article on distance up to 10 см from open fire, and on sides pass fine наждачной by a paper.