Астронавту NASA Andrew Feustel в День рождения

Антон Бессонов 1
A congratulation to NASA astronaut Andrew Feustel, celebrating his birthday at the International Space Station

Cosmos says "Be brave and daring"
In any case, please, use your brains!
Cosmos says "Find Soyuz"
Cosmos says "Please, never lose"

Cosmos says "Be brave and daring"
In any case, please, use your brains!
Cosmos says "Find Soyuz"
Cosmos says "Please, never lose"

Chorus :
Andrew - austronaut!
Celebrating his birthday,
Flying in the outer space

It's so immense and amazing
Having birthday in the space
Our wishes to you, Andrew!
Leave in history your trace!

Distant stars look cold and silent
Freezing stars in sunless depth
But there's flying your star - vibrant
Full of hope and human warmth

Distant stars look cold and silent
Freezing stars in sunless depth
But there's flying your star - vibrant
Full of hope and human warmth

Chorus :
Andrew - austronaut!
Celebrating his birthday,
Flying in the outer space

It's so immense and amazing
Having birthday in the space
Our wishes to you, Andrew!
Leave in history your trace

August 25, 2018