My Gratitude to Thee!

Миша Штивень
I wouldn't dare to ask what else I must yet learn
And if, as many lives to live, as I was born
Am humble, all in faith, I walk in steps of Thee
And loving all that's there - Your blessings upon me

Through thin and fog of sorts or may be burning coal
The freshness of Your touch is visible to all
How deeply can i know the pleasure of the sin
And zation-real-eyes the pain that's left within

The walking is the key, the language is the stroke
Of luck that comes inside to one who walks the walk.
There are both red and green. The orange and the blue
The yellow shining bright brings violet in you.

The palette of it all comes down to one truth
The multitude of shades are sharing the same noose.
As notes combined to song - the colors paint the seen
One brilliant column spans Divine and what's within.
Beloved, I'm in awe! so grateful to Thee
Am loving you and so I wish in service be
And greater everyday, to share your Precious Light
And open up the eyes those readying to sight.