The Moonlight Philosophy. песня

Мария Клешнина Спб
Days and week are passing by...
Can anybody tell me what to do?
'Cause every single minute of my life
I spend in constant dreaming of you

My dream is you, my torture and my sweetness.
I can give everything for your attentive glance
and I recall again that night when I was almost breathless
And our beautiful and so long lasting dance.

This face of yours, the sound of your voice singing
Is always in my mind and in my heart.
I cannot overcome this precious feeling.
But what is this, that's keeping us apart?

I'm almost going crazy when I'm thinking
About your smile, you're giving someone else,
It's frightful to imagine that you're leaving,
The broken heart of mine is the expense.

The image of your eyes in the moonlight shining brightly
I keep inside my heart, my precious man.
Let's throw away all lies, just hold me tightly,
I swear I'll give you everything I can!