Fox, who plays the flute in the last day of autumn

Наталия Беркович
Heavy rain poured down as one continuous gray shadow ... And after the rain ... after the rain here came Fox to play her melody. Melody about how her Sweetheart died and how his life was terrible and how scary be alone.

This music in memory of Him.
Мournful song of Love. And colorful leaves are flying down off the branches, gently falling on the wet ground of little glade, where nobody will see and hear her. She plays the flute and its melody fills the entire forest, flying into the sky in the last day of the royal autumn. But tomorrow the winter and the cold will come to take away all,that is living. Now She's crying for Him, her golden plume of leaves for Him, her smile and her Love for Him too. All in the world for Him, even solemn and sad sunset of a pale orange sun in the last evening of autumn. Fox runs home with the advent of night to nobody in this world did not see her.

They think that she will can not live without his passion, that hardly survive until the next day, that she had lost everything,because she found
Him, and that life will destroy her faith in Love. They think they are strong, but they are weak: them need a lot the strength to cry, to endure pain. Heart of the world is ice clump, and for Her it is closed.