Stories from the planet Art. Creative Stories. Art

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Stories from the planet Art. Creative Stories.
Art Value - Art of Value - Art of Valuation.

Some artists earn millions of dollars in their paintings, while others barely pay back the money spent on art supplies for their work.

Business, Brands and Concealed People, under the guise of great Art and Art, Creativity and Talent with a real human face.

What should cost more.

Brands - Names and Names of Famous People. The business of secretive people earning real money in the field of art, on the sale of paintings in the writing of which often are not at all used creative talents.


A person with a true name given at birth who has received a creative gift, awareness and ability to use it for good. Painting his own pictures from the imagination.

Or drawing on the basis of other paintings - which has its own handwriting and style of drawing, that is, it is a completely new picture drawn on the basis of another.

And perhaps capable of drawing, masterfully copying other paintings - which also requires tremendous creative talent and a certain skill.

And that there are copies and originals. Where is that fine line ...

All life on planet Earth, Nature and humanity from time immemorial, from the genetic code, the molecules to the birth and birth itself is engaged in copying the surrounding external world.

People cannot blame Trees and Stones for plagiarizing Dragons, Dinosaurs, Feathered and Human body parts.

Also, they will not be able to accuse of copying and Nature for her drawings with colors on animals, drawings of patterns and various objects in the sky, hills and mountains in the form of human bodies and stone rocks in the form of human faces.

Or, for example, as a painter of seventy-three years, a refugee from China named Pei Shen Qian, who wrote imitations in his own garage in Queens and realized paintings for thousands of dollars, but later when disclosing copies, his paintings from the originals instantly depreciated despite the fact that they were similar in a way.

It turns out that artists can have only one option for a decent existence and further creativity, is it to turn into a multi-million brand in the society of art surrounded by uncertainty and individual opinions? Just as aristocrats acquire abstract paintings of $ 100,000 each and without any fear of the fact that with a certain amount of time these canvases will be a regular wall decoration. For some inexplicable reason, some canvases are wealth, while others are not expensive daubs.

It is also possible to note that at one or another level the whole stock exchange of arts is falsified as all art galleries and dealers acting as expert lawmakers of fashion trends and in fact really deciding which particular pictures will be considered the best and dear by society itself. The final result of the work of this whole mechanism of work will be the reincarnation of artists into advertising, business and brands, for the stability and uninterrupted functioning of the art market.

Plays a role and that psychological fact, the fact that popularity creates location, this fact of sympathy for art, paintings, artists and not only, clearly explains why people distinguish some objects from others, an artist against another artist.

Different people choose different paintings and artists often also the contribution of artists to the artistic movement becomes a guarantee of their choice. For example, the painting “The Fountain” painted by the French artist Marcel Duchamp, is externally only a signed urinal and an inverted sanitary item, and if you drop deeper and dream it becomes a symbol of the challenged Dadaists in relation to such emotional art. Directly for this reason, a certified copy of this picture

“The original of which was lost” existed and was sold for 1,800,000 dollars in 1999.

When people buy various luxury items, they often compare quality with price, especially with regard to art markets. The truth in the art market is still regarded a little differently. So sales of paintings where prices are lowered, all sorts of collectors will consider this far from random discounts, but they are taken as direct evidence that the artist’s talent and paintings were clearly simply overestimated from the beginning.

Returning to psychology, the fact that popularity generates a location, causing people a certain sympathy for art and artists, is just a detail of a perfectly planned and implemented process of raising any artist to the level of a well-known brand.

It turns out that really talented artists simply do not make it without money.

After all, even museums and galleries do not express a particular desire to cooperate with unknown artists. But if successful, it will take a commission of 50% of each sale.

They will not bargain with the authors of the paintings, since, in their opinion, any resale of paintings should be realized only from galleries and museums, which will set their prices and receive commissions on transactions. And even if the artist is offered a million, he will have to refuse because, having sold his picture without permission from galleries and having received his million, the artist is in danger of permanently flying out of the art industry. It means that the resulting million is not what and does not mean.

In turn, the gallery, as a rule, is really interested in promoting its artist making him successful and increasing the value of his works. It must be admitted that galleries are really capable of much, they are able to acquaint artists with very reputable and necessary people, collectors of paintings and, as a result, increasing the authority and popularity of artists.

But then what will happen with the real nuggets of art. After all, contemporary artists deserve recognition, a good life and payment for their works.

So you can lose all the truly talented and creative individuals. They will simply cease to create having sealed themselves in routine work, considering this to be the limit of their capabilities, because you need to live and take care of your families. Such as the Russian opera singer, now from France. Russian Engineer from the USA Igor Sikorsky. Russian writer Ivan Alekseevich Bunin from France. Russian artist Kandinsky Vasily Vasilyevich from France. Russian designer, photographer and artist Alexey Brodovich from France. Russian Philosopher Berdyaev Nikolai Alexandrovich from France. Russian composer pianist and virtuoso Sergey Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff from the USA and a host of other creative personalities.

So under the threat of the work of modern creative individuals such as very specific, wayward, but talented individuals such as Innovator, Installer, Artist Anonymous hiding under various pseudonyms, but more often using the signature "AG" not only draws very interesting drawings, but also puts various strange installations . Photographer Yevgeny Mironov Photographs and shoots interesting art videos and photos. Anonymous Photographer, Author, Writer and Ethnic Composer - DJ, Public figure and fighter for the environment, a supporter of the Wildlife Fund and deducting substantial interest from his fees, White Wolf, also using various other nicknames. Photographer Dmitry Lukyanov before each frame walking around the clock and interpreting each photo comes out filled with meaning. Contemporary Artist and Bard - Nugget Olya Gosteva drawing amazing pictures and not only on ordinary canvases! Known to most as Olya Gosteva Tattoo is a master of living canvases. He plays the guitar and sings. In addition to all, embroidery pictures with Beads, including Icons. Modern Artist and Photographer Nikita Shokhov shooting video, putting multimedia installations. Artist and Photographer Anastasia Bogomolova. Installer, Artist and Photographer Artem Filatov. And of course Anonymous Public Figure and Journalist published under the title Real Stories is good because the stories are real!

When wild animals are bad in one place, they migrate to another place, these are the usual natural instincts of self-preservation, survival and abundance of benefits.

People are living beings, like animals and if people do not appreciate being in their right mind and having that little bit of courage, they have the same instincts of self-preservation and the desire for benefits. They will be forced to migrate to the best old conditions for their own habitation, raising children and caring for loved ones.

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