Through the -sand- Glass

слова и музыка В. Высоцкого

let us slightly lift the curtain border -
it's so old and so heavy dragged coulisse:
take a look, what have time used t' be former[ly],
so straight and tempered, you see it, Alice.

but.. didn't care and didn't watch the hours,
who happy;
and deliberately slowed the Time,
who craven;
hurried up the Time and bustled,
who flashy;
squandered and killed the Time,
who lazy.

and the wheels of Time
weared down by rubbing, -
all in world is damaged by the rubbing..
then the Time got aggrieved much, -
and tickers of the Time got hardened.

so, the twelve at midnight have not chimed,
all were waiting for a noon and yet in vain, -
what a time has now come to us  -
so nervous, you see it, Alice.

and.. frightened, glanced at watch,
who happy;
and broke into a lament songs,
who craven;
and sealed their huge mouths,
who garish;
yawned and fall asleep in concord,
who lazy.

salve the wheels of Time, -
not for grand reward, -
Time gets very sore from the rubbing.
noone shall harm the Time,
the life gets bad and sad without Time.

#В_С_В     #a_ex     #котоптичк

// на пластинке было с гитарой (или клавесином, сейчас сквозь толщу лет трудно идентифицировать струны, вероятно, всё же клавесин) и без фальшифизмов; и без перерывов на речитативы.). пластинка с песнями из той "Алисы", с/из детства, которая в переводе Заходера и сейчас на полке
