My reviews other 5 A

Тимур Тимурович Рыбаков
Review of "Eternity" (Victor Ignatyev)
 Hello, Victor! Thank God For your gift,
 for your thoughts...
 If God does not open our spiritual eyes,
 no one can understand and appreciate,
 what has Christ done for us:
 but He was Dead and still Alive!
 Through his suffering we attain Eternity here on earth,
 and this thread from the past will never be broken if we look at It!
 To Him be the glory and Eternal dominion!
 All your blessings. Love Bogdanov
 Lyubov Bogdanova 4 05.06.2019 09: 31 * Report a violation / Edit / Delete
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 Thank You, LBA!
 Everyone has their own God, he is in us.
 With a smile, V. I.
 Viktor Ignatikov 06.06.2019 10: 28 Report a violation / Delete
 Sorry, the letter is unprinted! Lyuba, of course!
 With a smile, V. I.
 Viktor Ignatikov 06.06.2019 10: 33 Report a violation / Delete
 Yes, everyone has their own personal relationship with God!
 He is in us if we invite Him into our hearts!
 And God is One for all: the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit!
 May we know the True God who Created Heaven and Earth,
 and all-all, including us-people !
 With God's peace!
 Lyubov Bogdanova 4 06.11.2019 20: 39 Report a violation / Delete
 Review of " how to tell about God..."(Timofeeva Natalia Borisovna)
 Hello, Natalia. Thank you for Your poem and the pain of Your soul:
 Yes, sometimes it is not easy to talk about our Savior, but it is necessary to talk!
 And God often creates circumstances when people themselves want to listen!
 May the Lord help us to bring His Love: Love will always reign,
 and our business is to love, to love, and to talk about God with our lives!
 Be bold, for the Lord promises a reward to all who open the eyes of those who do not yet see
 May the Lord bless You in all your work, including in the gospel of the Lord, In your work!
 Peace, joy, health, love...
 Review of " 1966. Poem about first love 17C" (Sergey Smetanin)
 Very much it was pleasant, Sergey!
 It was as if she had plunged into youth...
 I would like to know how
 I myself went through my first love,
 and maybe until now, it still warms my soul...
 But the all-Seeing Lord himself revealed to me his Unearthly Love ...
 and he showed me how long He had loved me, and I had not seen or known anything....
 and only closer to 50 years thought and saw..
 The secret, the secret of Love is given to us From the Creator and Redeemer of the soul!
 Is it familiar to you?
 All the best to You!
 Love Bogdanov
 Lyubov Bogdanova 4 04.06.2019 14: 58 * Report a violation / Edit / Delete
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 Thank You, Love! I am glad For your sincere, warm feedback and kind support. My life was quite ordinary, like that of most of my fellow citizens. I think some of this is reflected in the poem, and a lot, probably, in other poems. In them, for sure there will be an answer to Your question and to other questions.
 All the best to You!
 With respect
 Sergey Smetanin 04.06.2019 18: 48 Report a violation / Delete
 Thank You, Sergey!
 God bless You!
 Peace to You, health, love, knowledge of the Lord...
 all the best!
 Lyubov Bogdanova 4 06.11.2019 20: 42 Report a violation / Delete