Do not dare!

Альбина Кумирова
The line is drawn overnight,
dividing life before and now
with every former human right
becoming obsolete somehow.

Forget your previous happy life,
democracy and your ideals.
Into another realm dive,
accepting the New World ideas.

They don't have to use a gun,
they don't need to waste a bullet.
All changes are by virus done
and media as their pulpit

by preaching fear every day,
manipulating facts of science,
and people their freedoms lay
with an obedient compliance.

Give up your rights to object,
insights or investigation,
accepting lies never checked
with apathy and resignation.

That's all they want of you: be still,
forget your purposes at home.
Let fear all ambitions kill
and strike your soul's chromosome.

They aim at the core of you
to make your heart and mind blinkered,
enabling what they want to do
and implementing plans unhindered.

At home, in your house arrest,
be prisoner of your perceptions
and don't dare to protest
because of fear of infections.

Because of fear of the crowds
suppress your guts and intuition.
Don't dare questioning your doubts,
be eaten by your premonition.

How slowly the hope dies
that the authorities would care.
Who has the ears and the eyes
is well aware of the snare.
