Why fear?

Альбина Кумирова
Why all this panic, all this fear?
This virus isn't that severe
for us to muzzle our faces,
to close suddenly workplaces,
and sit at home days and nights,
exacerbating our frights.

Though it appears rather chilling,
corona-virus isn't killing
more than all other known bugs,
so why to be afraid of hugs?

Why do we every lie believe?
The demons their plans achieve.
Bill Gates will die perhaps from laughter:
where could he find people dafter?
Have you switched off your simple logic?
What are the goals pharmacologic?

You don't have to be a prophet
to say that, driven by the profit,
this scum World Health organization
is pedaling the vaccination,
which they're planning for mankind,
and therefore they daily grind
with the idea that salvation
lies in a vaccine for all nations.

The world became a testing ground,
where scare tactics do abound
with their secret veiled goals
to terrify all human souls
and see, if they would obey.
Like predators pursue their prey,
the media pumps up this fear
with images of death full gear.

Oh dear! Have you never knew
that death awaits for all, and you
cannot escape it, when it comes,
as everyone to it succumbs.
To God belongs the final word.
You wouldn't die until the Lord
permits it. So, you can cheer
and live as free, without fear.

Trust God. His Word is strong as steel.
With every liar He will deal.
Call on His name. He'll destroy
all who conceive an evil ploy.
Christ leads us to a safe place.
You can in confidence embrace
the thought that Jesus can protect,
if with His Spirit you connect.
