Lifeless suburbian

Серафима Лихачёва
So dead yet, so lifeless,
So harmed inside and outside,
So trying to find this
Dawn of always winter night.

So taught to love kneeling,
And never taught to accept easy joy,
And falling, and drilling,
And breaking, confidence destroyed.

Here`s scars cant bite deeper
Ignorence and the anger of this world.
Disstroffed like a weeper
With open arms i push me down the void.

Trapped, agonizing prisoned,
Ungiven the recourse for madly soul,
Self-criticizm tortures me for no reason,
And taking everything, that ive adored.

Heart-touching memOries,
Voices laugh on it, now its empty ash,
I lived in these stories,
Believed in the absurd and now im crashed.

So lifeless suburbian,
Just like it never lived and never died,
Unbothered this orphan tree,
That had no roots, but underneath to hide...