From Genesis to Revelation

Альбина Кумирова
From Genesis to Revelation
God had His character revealed,
which in His children adoration,
faith, and obedience can yield.

God had revealed Himself to Moses
with might as a faithful friend,
but anyone, who Him opposes,
alas, would meet a bitter end.

He blesses them, who are enduring
all tests, as Joseph dis endure.
God is a greatness securing
to those, who in hearts are pure.

The one, who, like David, humbles
himself and to His God appeals,
the Lord is rescuing from troubles,
with patience and with mercy deals.

Transcendent Spirit, Omnipresent,
the Sovereign Ruler of us all,
God shows us His love incessant
and all His mighty deeds enthral.

For all, who seeks His love paternal,
for all, who Truth and Wisdom seek,
God opens the Door eternal
through Jesus, lowly  and meek.

From Genesis to Revelation
God had revealed His great Light
in Christ, His Son, for the salvation
of us. In Him we can unite

with the Almighty. In Jesus
all our sins are washed away.
The Father God looks down and sees us
as faultless all, who went astray,

who their sinful lives lamented -
all faults, mistakes, and every vice,
and bitterly in hearts repented,
struck by such costly sacrifice.

From Genesis to Revelation
God had His character revealed,
which in His children adoration,
faith, and obedience can yield.
