Interdimensional Space Wars IV. Power of the...

Илнур Абдуллин
Inspired by "Power of the Laser Dragon Fire" from the album "Legends from Beyond the Galactic Terrorvortex" by Gloryhammer

Not enough room for the full title
Full title: "Interdimensional Space Wars IV. Power of the Batteries"


"Remember what happened in past, when we guarded the world from the Evil
Fighting against our foes on the planets, in space.
Now in this universe we cannot do any data retrieval
'Cause information we need can't be gained at this pace.

In the world which seems unreal,
Where there's no Good, where there's Evil,
There's no mistery we can reveal.

We are in Holy Land, looking for relics of epic steel,
Beating cyborgs, struggling against the forces of death.
We are not alone.
Fighting with evil we won't postpone
'Cause every single enemy with us will have to deal.

Alice has found ancient text carved in stone with the power of lightning.
Two batteries deep in the cave can aid me in my quest.
They can charge my steel making Solar Fused Laser so frightening.
To find them I must. I speak truth! I don't jest!

With new energy my laser
Will be better than straight razor
And cut glass better than glazer.

We're in seach for caves, looking for the undergroud voids
Making not a pause even for getting our breath.
We are warriors,
In all battles we are victorious.
We are those whom every single enemy avoids."

"Welcome, mighty warriors. I am the cave keeper.
Your strong desire's known to me.
The relics you want are hidden here.
Go and take them, they are yours
And then go to far-off shores.
The end of your jorney is now near.
I can't predict what you will be
But I will join you. My name is Robert Silver."

"Just think of the heroes who fought in a war in our world
Now dead with the all of guts unfurled.

In this world we're fighting for freeing the universe.
It is our duty to save this unholy world.
Blasphemous universe's death will soon commence.
From the impious powers we will purge this world of mauld.
We belong to war,
We need only fightings and not gold ore.
We fight with the ancient powers of batteries deeply imbuing the steel I hold."