Interdimensional Space Wars VIII. Grande Finale

Илнур Абдуллин
Inspired by "Battle for Eternity" from the album "Legends from Beyond the Galactic Terrorvortex" by Gloryhammer


Tom the Great could see his enemies appear.
This grim wizard was holding a magic spear.
When Jonathan Johnson showed up in his sight
Tom the Great began to speak with big delight:

"Power is what I need.
I wanted the world.
Conquer it I agreed
But my wish was sold.

I just wished to take over.
That's why fought like a rover.
But you with Alice Smith
At the strength's zenith
You impeded my genius plan.
That's why I burned that world, damn man.

I charged magic glasses and saw guiding light.
Guiding light was shining really bright.
It showed me the way to rule the world
With the unlimited power that's untold.

But you marred everything.
You did kill my dream.
But me, Planet King,
Burned the world with a gleam.

Now I'm at this universe.
And I go through every traverse.
I will override
And burst with great pride.
I will conquer this parallel world
And kill the enemies of old."

Then the Moon eclipse did happen being dread.
The moon's colour was so crimson, bloody, red.
It made sorcerer immune to all attacks.
There were no ways to kill him and then relax.

Jonathan knew one thing
To kill that grim man,
Give up everything
And do what he can.

Jonathan embraced the warlock
And screamed one last dying squawk.
His laser blowed up
And killed that damn pup.
He killed Tom the Great at cost of his life
In memory of future wife.