10. Hot and cold

Маргарита Крымская
Summer sun is hot, but don’t
be afraid –
if it burns your skin, you stay
in the shade.
Don’t forget to wear
your hat!  And be aware:

A working iron,
a bulb, a cooking pot,
and a burning candle –
are boiling hot.
A working iron,
a bulb, a cooking pot,
and a burning candle –
are boiling hot.

Winter winds are cold, but
not that tough
if you wear woolen socks
and a scarf.
Don’t forget to wear
your gloves!  And be aware:

A snowflake and
a newly made or old
snowman, and snowballs –
are icy cold.
A snowflake and
a newly made or old
snowman, and snowballs –
are icy cold.

What is cold?  What is hot?
Let’s repeat.
What is winter chill and what’s
summer heat?
What to do and wear? –
You know when you’re aware:

A working iron,
a bulb, a cooking pot,
and a burning candle –
are boiling hot.
A snowflake and
a newly made or old
snowman, and snowballs –
are icy cold.


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