
Каролина Змеева
She accepts each dagger thrust,
blinking through the glitter dust.
Sweet betrayal on killing spree
Likes its dinner guilty-free.

Tales are served in Butler style
Help yourself, eat with a smile.
Lies – so sweet in treason dish –
Blew out her candles, blew up her wish.

Fraud's been exposed inside her brain.
Pain's been injected through the vein.
Now please excuse her to the abyss
Of self-reflection and busted bliss.

Tired raccoon with inky eyes,
Helpless creature in disguise
Spilled the oceans on the shore,
Falling through the mental floor.

Tripping eyes, hand full of pills
Will always cause illegal thrills.
Small questions led to big replies
And all that’s left – her silent cries.

She found way out, but not way in.
Fear is touching milky skin.
Her love for life is like the sand,
Now scattered all across the land.

By letting out an empty sigh
She’s letting in a dusty smile.
The choice is made – pick up each grain,
And build a new castle in the plain.

The dawn proceeds and takes a drag.
Darkness’s holding a white flag.
Well, she's survived this endless night
So, give her more, she'll be alright.